Photojournalism By Robert Brown Headline Animator

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mexico's Independence Day Celebrated at the University of Texas at El Paso

Being on the US Mexico Border and with students of both Nations involved in academics at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), the University celbrated Mexico's Independence Day with the traditional "El Grito".

After students from one of Mexico's Military Highschools located in Juarez, Mexico performed Mexico's National Anthem the Consul General of Mexico, Roberto Rodriguez Hernandez performed the traditional "El Grito" while students, professors and local media were in attendance of the event.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Open for business

After losing my job recently I needed to find something which would not interfere with my schooling and that would help me generate an income at the same time.

Having most of the equipment already, I have created a Portable Photo Studio.

This is a unique business as so far I have not seen anyone in El Paso promoting this type of business and it has helped me generate a small income already. This Photo Studio is a Green Screen Photo Studio in which I take photos of people in front of a green screen and then place them into different background images.

The first night out I placed this photo studio at a location with 5 different bars in the area and was able to make some money.

The next time out, which was the following Wednesday, I set it up at a venue I never thought I could generate an income from. There was an event being held in memory of John Wesley Hardin, the Old West Gunslinger, and I asked if I could place my studio there. I was given permission and although the income wasn’t as much as my first night out it was a decent amount considering I made the income within 2 hours. The venue? The Concordia Cemetery.

The following weekend was more of a bust. I had gone back to the first location and made only 1/4th as I had the first night. This I attribute to either being the middle weekend between paydays or because as classes began the following Monday people were saving their money in order to ensure that they had enough money to buy books and school supplies.

This last weekend was my best yet. I was allowed to place my studio at the Greek Food Festival held by the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church on the West side of El Paso. This was a three day event and in those three days I sold 194 photos of people I placed in Greece.

This may not seem like much, until you consider that in three days I generated almost the same amount of income I was earning after working a week and a half at my old job.

It seems that I have found a Niche Market for which my type of business could benefit from. Now all I have to do is locate more of these types of Special Events in which I can place and promote my business and I may just make a decent living.

Do my photography on the weekends at bars and special events and during the week I can concentrate on my schooling as well as on another business project dealing with Biomass Fuels I plan to work on as well.

When one door closes a better one may just open up. All you have to do is be willing to take a chance and walk through it.